Is it legal to Facetime a football match?

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Hi all

I need to have live information about football matches I bet on. I need real live detailed information, with max 1-2 seconds of delay.
DO you know if it is legal to have someone in the stadium calling me through Facetime (or any other video service similar) so I can watch the match live? The guy would do it for free, or I will pay him to do that.
Maybe there are websites offering this kind of service already?
Another option would be that the guy calls me and tells me on the phone the detailed info I need, in live.

Thanks for your help!

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pdenoeud wrote:
Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:13 pm
I need real live detailed information, with max 1-2 seconds of delay ..... Another option would be that the guy calls me and tells me on the phone the detailed info I need, in live.
I'll happily be your man at the match feeding you information over the phone. I've got a terrible stammer though!
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I'll happily be your man at the match feeding you information over the phone. I've got a terrible stammer though!

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pdenoeud wrote:
Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:13 pm
DO you know if it is legal to have someone in the stadium calling me through Facetime (or any other video service similar) so I can watch the match live? The guy would do it for free, or I will pay him to do that.
Another option would be that the guy calls me and tells me on the phone the detailed info I need, in live.
I can only guess that you have probably never attended a major football match. Internet connections are at best flakey and unpredictable. Probably something to do with 30000+ mobile phones in close proximitiy all trying to connect to limited mobile network capacity infrastructure. Low bandwidth apps like whatsapp texting usually work OK during the actual match but you have a complete dead period around half time at all top class grounds. And as to someone commentating the entire match down the phone, at a top class match where the fans are packed in that is just so annoying for the people around so dont be surprised if your accomplice starts receiving verbal abuse from nearby fans if the call is any longer than a couple of minutes. In short your plan might work at low profile fixtures where the fans are sparse but not at top level matches

Legality. Video broadcasting the game for most leagues will most likely be breaking broadcasting copyright hence when pundits are shown on TV giving live reports from games it is always without the pitch in view. You are more likely to be asked to desist by stewards rather than it ending up in court. Some fans record clips and post stuff on youtube but 90 minutes of it would definitely be pushing it. Again you mighgt be able to get away with that at sparsely attended low profile games.
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Thanks Wolf1877 for this valuable information!
I read that more and more stadiums offer wifi. I saw actcles on the internet mentioning Liverpool and Manchester City for instance. Has anybody used it? Was the connection good enough to Facetime?
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I don't see any issue in that, if you are live streaming it to a channel, only then you will be in trouble.
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in theory

Build a remote with all the stuff you're interested in, 2 sets for home/away.
Goal Kick
Dangerous Attack
Dangerous Free Kick
3-on-2 break
2-on-1 break
1-on-1 break
Violent Foul

If your monkey is knowledgeable in football you could introduce a 'goal-likelihood' variable too.
e.g. for 2-on-2 breaks have them roughly rate the likelihood of a goal depending on who's breaking and player locations
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eightbo wrote:
Fri Jan 25, 2019 4:42 pm
in theory

Build a remote with all the stuff you're interested in, 2 sets for home/away.
Goal Kick
Dangerous Attack
Dangerous Free Kick
3-on-2 break
2-on-1 break
1-on-1 break
Violent Foul

If your monkey is knowledgeable in football you could introduce a 'goal-likelihood' variable too.
e.g. for 2-on-2 breaks have them roughly rate the likelihood of a goal depending on who's breaking and player locations
There is software that already does that via expensive plug in with live feed stats.
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I think it is legal if you use it for a personal purpose, and it is not legal if you use it for a commercial purpose.
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i used to work for a telecoms company and i produced the drawings for the antenna on the stadium at stoke city. These antenna are deliberately switched to a low frequency at the beginning of the match. This low frequency is incapable of handling all the traffic of 30000 phones all trying to use the same antenna at the same time.
Once the match is over the frequency is restored.
I would imagine this happens at every sporting event where the mobile antenna's are close by.
This reduction in frequency is designed as part of the antenna.
The same thing happens on new years eve all around the world when the networks get overloaded.
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