Ukraine Crisis

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Derek27 wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:48 pm
ShaunWhite wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:48 am
Ukrainian govt have now prohibited Ukrainian men from leaving the country and removed upper age limit on conscription. That could be us. Remember this is only just over 1000 mile away.
There is an upper age limit, but it's 60! The Ukraine government has lost a bit of my sympathy, sending untrained and unfit people to their deaths in a futile attempt to buy a bit of time.
They also gave common people 10 000 automatic rifles and issued recomendation to make (at home) molotov cocktails. Molotov cocktails agains russian tanks, Carl!
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They have javelin and NLAW anti-tank missiles which are very, very effective and hopefully they will be getting alot more. This does not seem to be going swimmingly for Russia.

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The kids scream as a Russian jet fires a missile right over head gives me stomach knots. As a father I wouldn’t even know where to begin answering the screams of my children in that situation.

Unimaginable to think that our words of comfort and reassurance, which is normally such a powerful tool as parents are meaningless given that situation.
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Kai wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 3:48 pm
The cartoon is actually poking fun at the western powers, who did promise protection to Ukraine for giving up their nuclear arsenal. But President Zelenskyy probably wouldn't find it amusing under the current circumstances, even as a former comedian.

I'm not into geopolitics so this will be my first and last comment on this topic, but I'm very much into history and the braindead mainstream media is too annoying to listen to, behaving like they were born yesterday.

I really feel for Ukraine, like everyone obviously, although people are pinning the entirety of the blame on Putin since he fits the textbook villain archetype, but this awful situation was manufactured by NATO and their expansion eastwards, similar to how the British cooked up the whole mess in the Middle East before leaving. Superpowers yet again meddling into foreign affairs that they don't fully understand or care about, I just cannot agree with some of NATO's policies.

Can you really blame a cornered bear for attacking you? If you keep poking it and setting up camp right in front of its cave. The Chinese have said it best.

We're talking about an organization (NATO) that was specifically set up to oppose the threat of the Soviet Union and they're openly flirting with former USSR countries about NATO membership etc, it's a ridiculous and absurd notion as long as nuclear arsenals are still part of the conversation. If anything is likely to trigger another cold war, it's exactly that. Not to mention that the old promises that these NATO expansions would never happen have clearly been broken. Yep, politics and broken promises, I challenge anyone to name a better duo.

Meanwhile, idiotic journos keep asking about a SWIFT ban etc, which would be the financial equivalent of nuking Russia, it's like everyone is doing their best to pile on and start WW3.

Obviously nuclear powers cannot wage open war because apparently mutually assured destruction (MAD) is a thing, who would have thought, so they engage in proxy wars across the globe, but this calculated powerplay from Russia means another nuclear power cannot and will not get directly involved, Russia got directly involved out of desperation because they were losing this proxy war on their very doorstep. It's hardly about Russia restoring the USSR and invading further west nonsense, it's about sending a (brutal) message and putting a stop to the NATO expansion into Ukraine and the Baltic states etc, to at least maintain the status quo. In Russia, they see NATO as the aggressor here, and if you pull up a map of NATO expansion over the past few decades you might see their side of the argument.

Plainly put, after losing for so long Putin seems fed up and needs a "win" here from somewhere, otherwise they all risk escalating this further. But it was hardly a surprise invasion, 8 years of this war was enough time for NATO to change direction and calm the situation, even building up to the invasion they had so much time and warning to do something about it, but deliberately chose not to. Whatever blood is spilled here, it's on their hands as much as on Putin's.

Like I said, I really feel for Ukraine for finding themselves in this nightmare scenario, my own country was involved in open warfare not that long ago and I lost my father to it when I was 10, so I do feel for these countries for wanting to be progressive overall, but their location and recent history means they have to find a way of doing that without antagonizing their nuclear superpower neighbor to the point of invasion and turning into an actual threat to Russia. Them joining NATO would literally mean the start of another cold war era.
Thank you, Kai. I couldn’t have put it better myself. Short-sightedness of western common people and multi-assness of the establishment is astonishing.
My sincere condolences about your father.
Last edited by napshnap on Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The blame for this unfolding tragedy rest soley with Evil Putin. He's now making Sweden and Finland want to join NATO

Even if they eventually overun the country Ukraine is a vast place with bordering 7 countries 4 of whom are in NATO and has access to the sea.

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sniffer66 wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 3:54 pm
Kai wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 3:48 pm
The cartoon is actually poking fun at the western powers, who did promise protection to Ukraine for giving up their nuclear arsenal. But President Zelenskyy probably wouldn't find it amusing under the current circumstances, even as a former comedian.

I'm not into geopolitics so this will be my first and last comment on this topic, but I'm very much into history and the braindead mainstream media is too annoying to listen to, behaving like they were born yesterday.

I really feel for Ukraine, like everyone obviously, although people are pinning the entirety of the blame on Putin since he fits the textbook villain archetype, but this awful situation was manufactured by NATO and their expansion eastwards, similar to how the British cooked up the whole mess in the Middle East before leaving. Superpowers yet again meddling into foreign affairs that they don't fully understand or care about, I just cannot agree with some of NATO's policies.

Can you really blame a cornered bear for attacking you? If you keep poking it and setting up camp right in front of its cave. The Chinese have said it best.

We're talking about an organization (NATO) that was specifically set up to oppose the threat of the Soviet Union and they're openly flirting with former USSR countries about NATO membership etc, it's a ridiculous and absurd notion as long as nuclear arsenals are still part of the conversation. If anything is likely to trigger another cold war, it's exactly that. Not to mention that the old promises that these NATO expansions would never happen have clearly been broken. Yep, politics and broken promises, I challenge anyone to name a better duo.

Meanwhile, idiotic journos keep asking about a SWIFT ban etc, which would be the financial equivalent of nuking Russia, it's like everyone is doing their best to pile on and start WW3.

Obviously nuclear powers cannot wage open war because apparently mutually assured destruction (MAD) is a thing, who would have thought, so they engage in proxy wars across the globe, but this calculated powerplay from Russia means another nuclear power cannot and will not get directly involved, Russia got directly involved out of desperation because they were losing this proxy war on their very doorstep. It's hardly about Russia restoring the USSR and invading further west nonsense, it's about sending a (brutal) message and putting a stop to the NATO expansion into Ukraine and the Baltic states etc, to at least maintain the status quo. In Russia, they see NATO as the aggressor here, and if you pull up a map of NATO expansion over the past few decades you might see their side of the argument.

Plainly put, after losing for so long Putin seems fed up and needs a "win" here from somewhere, otherwise they all risk escalating this further. But it was hardly a surprise invasion, 8 years of this war was enough time for NATO to change direction and calm the situation, even building up to the invasion they had so much time and warning to do something about it, but deliberately chose not to. Whatever blood is spilled here, it's on their hands as much as on Putin's.

Like I said, I really feel for Ukraine for finding themselves in this nightmare scenario, my own country was involved in open warfare not that long ago and I lost my father to it when I was 10, so I do feel for these countries for wanting to be progressive overall, but their location and recent history means they have to find a way of doing that without antagonizing their nuclear superpower neighbor to the point of invasion and turning into an actual threat to Russia. Them joining NATO would literally mean the start of another cold war era.
Great post Kai.
I went off and did a lot of reading last night, to get a handle on the why's and wherefore's, and this ties in with a lot of the conclusions I've read.
I agree that was a great post Kai.
Viewing the map of Europe, Ukraine sticks out. For Nato to be invited in would be as awful for Russia as Belarus flipping to a Nato/EU approach.
But the bottom line here is Russia has screwed up. They've gone with stagnant, thinly veiled dictactorship instead of vibrant, dynamic, democratic capitalism.
Russia is a massive country. Has huge resources. Has the biggest population in Europe. And still the GDP per capita is rubbish. It's a failing regime. I hope the Russians wake and kick Putin out (or his nominated successor). And for Russians, I would suggest stopping the Russian government from trying to kill political opponents would be a start.
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Ukrainian fighter pilot has reportedly downed 6 Russian fighters today and is now being called 'The Ghost of Kyiv'

If true he may have become the 21st century Fighter Ace
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Kai wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 3:48 pm
The cartoon is actually poking fun at the western powers, who did promise protection to Ukraine for giving up their nuclear arsenal. But President Zelenskyy probably wouldn't find it amusing under the current circumstances, even as a former comedian.

I'm not into geopolitics so this will be my first and last comment on this topic, but I'm very much into history and the braindead mainstream media is too annoying to listen to, behaving like they were born yesterday.

I really feel for Ukraine, like everyone obviously, although people are pinning the entirety of the blame on Putin since he fits the textbook villain archetype, but this awful situation was manufactured by NATO and their expansion eastwards, similar to how the British cooked up the whole mess in the Middle East before leaving. Superpowers yet again meddling into foreign affairs that they don't fully understand or care about, I just cannot agree with some of NATO's policies.

Can you really blame a cornered bear for attacking you? If you keep poking it and setting up camp right in front of its cave. The Chinese have said it best.

We're talking about an organization (NATO) that was specifically set up to oppose the threat of the Soviet Union and they're openly flirting with former USSR countries about NATO membership etc, it's a ridiculous and absurd notion as long as nuclear arsenals are still part of the conversation. If anything is likely to trigger another cold war, it's exactly that. Not to mention that the old promises that these NATO expansions would never happen have clearly been broken. Yep, politics and broken promises, I challenge anyone to name a better duo.

Meanwhile, idiotic journos keep asking about a SWIFT ban etc, which would be the financial equivalent of nuking Russia, it's like everyone is doing their best to pile on and start WW3.

Obviously nuclear powers cannot wage open war because apparently mutually assured destruction (MAD) is a thing, who would have thought, so they engage in proxy wars across the globe, but this calculated powerplay from Russia means another nuclear power cannot and will not get directly involved, Russia got directly involved out of desperation because they were losing this proxy war on their very doorstep. It's hardly about Russia restoring the USSR and invading further west nonsense, it's about sending a (brutal) message and putting a stop to the NATO expansion into Ukraine and the Baltic states etc, to at least maintain the status quo. In Russia, they see NATO as the aggressor here, and if you pull up a map of NATO expansion over the past few decades you might see their side of the argument.

Plainly put, after losing for so long Putin seems fed up and needs a "win" here from somewhere, otherwise they all risk escalating this further. But it was hardly a surprise invasion, 8 years of this war was enough time for NATO to change direction and calm the situation, even building up to the invasion they had so much time and warning to do something about it, but deliberately chose not to. Whatever blood is spilled here, it's on their hands as much as on Putin's.

Like I said, I really feel for Ukraine for finding themselves in this nightmare scenario, my own country was involved in open warfare not that long ago and I lost my father to it when I was 10, so I do feel for these countries for wanting to be progressive overall, but their location and recent history means they have to find a way of doing that without antagonizing their nuclear superpower neighbor to the point of invasion and turning into an actual threat to Russia. Them joining NATO would literally mean the start of another cold war era.
All valid points and I agree with pretty much everything you say.

The conundrum is though what to do about NATO? If NATO was disbanded tomorrow then there is no deterrent at all to Russia or anybody else invading whoever they want. As it stands Putin can invade Ukraine, and if he fancies it Moldova and Georgia as non NATO members. He can't 'expand' beyond that without starting WW3 so I think NATO is necessary or else it could be the 1930s all over again. It's disappointing how politicians never seem to learn from history. Part of the reason we came so close to nuclear war in 1962 was because the US had nukes in places like Turkey and Italy aimed at the USSR, fast forward 60 years and nothing has changed.

Had CNN on in the background last night where one of their reporters was explaining how they came across soldiers near the border with Russia and thinking they were Ukrainian forces asked if they knew how close the Russians were. The soldier says ' We are the Russians'! Could happen to anyone I suppose but then he does a live report with the same soldiers in the background and explains to everyone watching that these are Russian forces and you can tell that by the orange and black colours stripes on the uniform. Why didn't he notice that when he asked them where the Russians were :?: Another journalist reporting live form an underground train station where she went around shoving microphones in terrified peoples faces asking them 'Are you frightened?' They'll probably both win awards for their coverage. Needless to say I've unplugged now from the 24 hour hour news cycle. My hysteria limit has been reached for the year.
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Dallas wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:39 pm
Ukrainian fighter pilot has reportedly downed 6 Russian fighters today and is now being called 'The Ghost of Kyiv'
I thought Ukraine president was called like that, you know, for escaping from the capital of his state.
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Emmson wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:28 pm
The blame for this unfolding tragedy rest soley with Evil Putin. He's now making Sweden and Finland want to join NATO

Even if they eventually overun the country Ukraine is a vast place with bordering 7 countries 4 of whom are in NATO and has access to the sea.

Insurgency Central
On the other side fo the trade, the constant expansion of NATO towards Russian borders is also IMHO part of the problem, NATO by name is the North Atlantic treaty organization, dont see anthing about BALTIC OR BALKANS in that. If you keep pushing in towards Russias homeland and poking the bear with a stick ... then one day he is going to bite back. The U.S. tactic of expanding Nato to protect themselves appears to be working out fine, remember when we had the OLD USSR, the states like Poland, Estonia and others provided Russia with a buffer that has now gone and they probably feel threatened by the constant expansion of NATO towards them.
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napshnap wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:24 pm

Thank you, Kai. I couldn’t have put it better myself. Short-sightedness of western common people and multi-assness of the establishment is astonishing.
My sincere condolences about your father.
When Putin denies any intention of attacking Ukraine, all the while building up near 200,000 troops and hardware on the border and then attacking, on top of the fact that he has complete control of the media, you can't blame the west for not trusting any of it.
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Fri Feb 25, 2022 5:01 pm
Emmson wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:28 pm
The blame for this unfolding tragedy rest soley with Evil Putin. He's now making Sweden and Finland want to join NATO

Even if they eventually overun the country Ukraine is a vast place with bordering 7 countries 4 of whom are in NATO and has access to the sea.

Insurgency Central
On the other side fo the trade, the constant expansion of NATO towards Russian borders is also IMHO part of the problem, NATO by name is the North Atlantic treaty organization, dont see anthing about BALTIC OR BALKANS in that. If you keep pushing in towards Russias homeland and poking the bear with a stick ... then one day he is going to bite back. The U.S. tactic of expanding Nato to protect themselves appears to be working out fine, remember when we had the OLD USSR, the states like Poland, Estonia and others provided Russia with a buffer that has now gone and they probably feel threatened by the constant expansion of NATO towards them.
Building up defences is not provocation and it's no different to what Russia's been doing over the decades.
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Trader Pat wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:42 pm
Another journalist reporting live form an underground train station where she went around shoving microphones in terrified peoples faces asking them 'Are you frightened?
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Besides the war, I hope there's not much crime in Ukraine. What's going to happen to the 18,000 AK47s?
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Gotta say, Putin knows how to play his cards… not just right, but at the best time too. Strategically NATO is a cripple.
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