Downloading racecards in CSV

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gstar1975 wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:29 pm
paspuggie48 wrote:
Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:55 am
To jump on the back of Peter's post, I do exactly this. Export the CSV file then use Power Query to format a basic meeting/race/horse table of contents.

Screenshot 2022-02-26 084521.png

This is based on my Guardian List (of those same Header Names)

If one wanted a more detailed set of data e.g. Form, Jockey & Trainer then alter your Guardian List and export. It will require a bit more work in PQ but it would be automated per se.

Maybe in time I can develop a 'dynamic' PQ for anyone to use...will have a think !

Caveat being Guardian is limited to 100 columns if I am correct, so always bear in mind the max of up to 40 runners, so if you wanted Form, Jockey & Trainer for those possible 40 runners as well then you already are maxing out the Columns permitted.
Have you produced a "Dynamic" PQ yet? Or are you still thinking ;)
Unfortunately not Gstar.
I actually forgot but in theory it could be done. I will admit though it would be a minimal set of data.
Additionally there would be a lot of variables, for example; specific Guardian List & Custom Column, specific Guardian Rule, file location references in Excel when you save your file to get the exported data (i.e. defined names), creating dynamic Lists (Tables) in Excel for Headers, creating dynamic Lists (Tables) in Excel for Data name but a few !
More importantly as you don't have basic Power Query experience, that may require some additional support if things don't go to plan. Alas, I don't have capacity to provide that support or indeed if there are any edits/changes required or if one wants to use that data with other datasets.

However, it does sound like a challenge and some on here know I like that, so I may (time permitting) will have a think and investigate...alas, as I have a busy working life it may have to be Xmas when I'm next on leave.
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Euler wrote:
Fri Feb 25, 2022 6:41 pm
You can do it already, we updated a few versions back: -

Load into Guardian, right click, export.
Can you use Guardian to export all races with all runners with all racecard data like form age etc?
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