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JollyGreen wrote:
jimrobo wrote:I am defo going to buy apple tv and a couple of airplay routers though so I can play everything wirelessly around the place wthout having to plug stuff in.
I've been a bit disappointed with Apple TV to be honest. Then again I use an HD Plasma and so comparing quality is a bit unfair.

I had heard a bluetooth mouse hack was available - I will try and see if I still have the info.
bloody hell don't tell me that! Only bought Apple TV last weekend...been away so not had time to play with it yet!
bought it for the same reasons as Jim really and the new features 4.3 allows..
spent some of the trading profits and treated myself to a new amp too..well the missus gets enough shoes!
had my ceiling mounted speakers in for two years since the extension was built and will finally be able to use them

PS Richers Sounds have some great deals on and I was surprised to see the cost of some items..for example they have a blu ray 5star what hifi rating at £99..Remember paying £600 for my first nicam VHS!
Mind you technology has moved now as I was reminded when I took my youngest son to the museum of science and industry in Manchester recently..they had a BBC micro, which I cut my teeth on...bloody hell I felt old!! Ha ha! :D
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I used to write code in z80 and 6502 assembly language.

Now and again I flick through this and remember many long nights debugging some code.

ftp://www.worldofspectrum.org/pub/spect ... blyThe.pdf
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I updated at 6:01!!

I actually really like the apple tv and the AirPlay router stuff but I do have one problem. My tv puts a very slight delay on the sound! Which means when I multi room everything up and play it all at once it sounds echoey because the apple tv is slightly behind. Not the apple TVs fault though I had exactly the same problem with guitar hero type games on my xbox! Apparently using the digital out on some speakers is likely to fix the latency though. It means I am going to have to buy some new speakers. I also had to upgrade the OS on my Mac to be able to multiroom the speakers I have which was annoying!!

I've found the best way to use everything is just to use the remote app and then you can change all the music and speaker combinations from eitherr my iPad or iPhone and the current song playing is also displayed on my tv.

Also downloading dodgy films is pretty good now as I don't have to put them on some sort of media and then onto my tv as they stream straight from my computer to my tv.
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Bet Angel wrote:UPS delivered another parcel today that I wont have time to play with this week, but I'll put up some information about that if it proves useful.
Bet Angel wrote:The other gadget that arrived today probably will give me an edge. I'll have a proper play on it next week and post up if I get the chance to use it properly.
Any update on this Peter? Would be interested to know what it is?
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I may put a video up on it, I recently added an Acer Iconia to the list of Gadgets. I quite like it. I may do a video of that as well with the pros and cons vs. an iPad.
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Cool - any clues as to what the first gadget is?

Looking at getting an Ipad 2, if you were in the market for tablet and didn't already own one would you say the Ipad 2 would be the best one to go for from your knowledge/experience?

Can you not connect a mouse still? I was assuming you would be able to connect the Apple Wireless Keyboard and a Apple Magic Mouse but it sounds like this isn't going to be possible as both connect via Bluetooth I believe.
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I still use my ipad2 everyday. Now the cloud stuff is coming out it is going to make it even better as I am rubbish at maintaining music and pictures on it.
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jimrobo wrote:My tv puts a very slight delay on the sound! Which means when I multi room everything up and play it all at once it sounds echoey because the apple tv is slightly behind. Not the apple TVs fault though I had exactly the same problem with guitar hero type games on my xbox! Apparently using the digital out on some speakers is likely to fix the latency though.
Jimrobo - not 100% sure about your issue in the above as I haven't used Apple TV but on the Xbox if you use the optical out it should fix the issue. If you use Sky HD you should be using the optical out anyway. I haven't had a Sky standard HD box but on my 1TB box there is an option to alter the delay on the sound so that might be possible on your stuff as well and also you can sometimes alter it on the TV as well depending on what type you have.

But the normal solution is just to use the optical out and you usually get better sound that way as well.
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I actually fixed this in the end and got it working great. I had to go into the engineer menu of my tv and hidden within it was a delay on the sound. The tv obviously must take a while to process the picture and display it so samsung add a delay to the sound. By taking off the delay I can play multiroom stuff in unison.
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andyfuller wrote:Cool - any clues as to what the first gadget is?
Don't get too excited. It's a glove. I've used a gaming pad for some time so I thought I would try a glove. It's slightly faster and more flexible than a gaming pad but I didn't find it as useful as I intially thought. However, it is seriously useful if trading on a laptop off site. When I had an outage the other month it was part of my back up plan. I sat in the car waving my glove around like a trading micheal jackson watching my laptop screen. Passers by were seriously confused!
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I hope you had your hand visable or that might explain some of the strange looks :lol:

I remember you mentioning you had that a while back now. I looked into it but didn't get one in the end but would be interested to see it in use if you do a video.

All my trading is done at my PC rather than a laptop so can't see it being much use - I still want to try out some touchscreen trading on a big Screen but the cost looked to prohibitive when I looked into it.
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I've got a 21" touchscreen as well! Useful for placing or cancelling orders but less useful for dragging and dropping! We have been playing with all sorts of stuff in the office, its a treasure trove of gadgets. We have been messing around with interactive whiteboards as well. We rented some just to see what it was like. We also tried speech recognition as well.
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Has evenone tried Windows 7 tablet that available from Microsoft? I wanted to my netbook replaced with a small with an ipad or tablet but wanted Windows software as well. I'm not sure whether technology is there yet for both of the platforms to co-exist happily.
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I watched some demos of Windows based tablets and they all looked pretty rubbish tbh as the Operating System has not been designed for touch use but more adapted as an after thought. There was an episode on BBC Click where they had Microsoft guy was demonstrating them and lets just say the one click wasn't quite one click!

Peter, do you still use the touchscreen monitor? Don't suppose you could let me where you got it from - it is something I am keen to have a play with as long as the cost isn't huge. I do like interactive white boards but can't see any use for them in trading but I guess for your courses they could be good.

I have tried stuff with Voice Rec. not trading but other stuff and can't say it was great, how have you found it?
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I would be very interested to see or hear your thoughts on the Iconia v Ipad. I actually managed to persuade a salesman in pc world to let me try trading on the Iconia in store. Sadly the experience was sloooowwww. At the time, I couldn't tell if this was due to the processor/ windows 7 or just a poor internet connection. From your initial comments, if seems like the latter.

Could be useful. Not pretty though is it? If the Ipad is Sienna Miller, the the Iconia is Hilda Ogden.
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