Earthquake centre-Italy

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If betangel team thinks that this post is by any means of for any given reasons inappropriate for this forum, not personal offence will be taking by my side if you decided to delete it.

Dear international friends, this is an urgent call for help. More than 24 hours ago centre-Italy was hit by a deadly earthquake, 247 people were extracted dead, unfortunaly the number is expected to rise. If you would like to contribute there are links below where you can donate any amount of money to support the local people. There are different channels, these are in Italian and easy to translate, or you might research for links available in your country and in your language. The rescue operation was flawless, there was a robust respond straight after the quake and non stop since; the Italian government has already made 50 milion euro available as first contribuition. USA, Canada, Germany, Spain, Russian and many other governments have already offered for support but in these tragedies what counts is the help of as much people as possible, there are 1000s of survivors who still need us.

Thank you.

italian red cross
italian press homepage ... tp/482751/
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I was surprised to see Italy gets these sorts of quakes about ever five years.

I've been intrigued by earthquakes and volcano's since I was young. I always wondered what one would feel like and ended up in a swarm once on a trip to California.

But very minor compared to a mag 6.0. Thoughts with those affected.
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Joined: Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:11 am

Euler wrote:I was surprised to see Italy gets these sorts of quakes about ever five years.

I've been intrigued by earthquakes and volcano's since I was young. I always wondered what one would feel like and ended up in a swarm once on a trip to California.

But very minor compared to a mag 6.0. Thoughts with those affected.
Not many people are informed of the danger of living in Italy, neither the italians. All the Apennines and some other areas are under constant danger of earthquakes, it's a big country and difficult to secure all the areas.
And as for Volcanos we are not doing better. Campi flegrei for example is a supervulcano only second to yellowstone park. Vesuvius is like a small ant to compare. Not many also know that in the sourranding of Rome there are plenty of volconas which are not extinct yet, they just happen to have long pauses between millenniums. There are under water volconas 70km long and 40km wide which if collapsed will create a 10mt-30mt wave across all mediterranium.
The following comment is from bbc news:
Mediterranean seismicity is driven by the great collision between the African and Eurasian tectonic plates; but when it comes down to the specifics of this latest quake, the details are far more complicated.

The Tyrrhenian Basin, or Sea, which lies to the west of Italy, between the mainland and Sardinia/Corsica, is slowly opening up.

Scientists say this is contributing to extension, or "pull-apart", along the Apennines. This stress is compounded by movement in the east, in the Adriatic.

The result is a major fault system that runs the length of the mountain range with a series of smaller faults that fan off to the sides. The foundations of cities like Perugia and L'Aquila stand on top of it all.
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