Ukraine Crisis

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I thought I'd start a separate thread for this as nuclear war is beyond ranting about and Putin declined my invitation to peace talks on the rant thread. :)
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After the fall of the Soviet Union Ukraine had the 3rd largest stockpile of Nuclear weapons in the world, but they denuclearized in 1994 because the UK, US and Russia guaranteed their security. The irony!
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I wouldn’t be concerned about having a nuclear arsenal tbf… the right bombs dropped in the right places could cause a nuclear disaster. Pretty much every developed country on earth is a self developed nuclear weapon for any aggressor wanting to attack. Seems Chernobyl is a strategic point for the Russians, what could possibly go wrong there.
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I feel sorry for the Ukrainians. There's lives turned upside down, or worse, on the paranoia/expansionist mentality of a dictator in all but name.
If he stops at Ukraine and is invited into Hungary then there's not a lot we can do. But if he steps into a Nato country uninvited we're in a whole different scenario.
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There's no other country he can invade unless he fancies a crack at Finland. I think he'll be happy to get his hands on Eastern and Southern Ukraine and give the rest back in some kind of 'peace deal'.

I don't think its realistic to believe he could control the whole of the country in the long term.
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For once the Sky News anchorwomen are upstaged by the news itself!
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I'm more concerned if Putin goes to Antarctica for backup as we know the Nazis retreated there in their UFOs to live in a base underneath the ice after WW2. If the rumours that Bill Gates managed to cryogenically freeze Hitler there are true then we are all in trouble. I'm 99% sure that the DNA gathered from all the PCR tests has been sent to Antarctica to turn the reborn Hitler into a super trader.

It's only a matter of time until Gates fires up his control panel and switches on 5G which will activate all the graphene nanobots from the vaccines across the world. Then billions of people could be mind controlled into depositing on Betfair and putting their stakes into the markets for Gates and Hitler to switch on their CBB (crossover backing bots) which will hoover up all the liquidity leaving them with massive profits
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alexmr2 wrote:
Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:27 pm
I'm more concerned if Putin goes to Antarctica for backup as we know the Nazis retreated there in their UFOs to live in a base underneath the ice after WW2. If the rumours that Bill Gates managed to cryogenically freeze Hitler there are true then we are all in trouble. I'm 99% sure that the DNA gathered from all the PCR tests has been sent to Antarctica to turn the reborn Hitler into a super trader.

It's only a matter of time until Gates fires up his control panel and switches on 5G which will activate all the graphene nanobots from the vaccines across the world. Then billions of people could be mind controlled into depositing on Betfair and putting their stakes into the markets for Gates and Hitler to switch on their CBB (crossover backing bots) which will hoover up all the liquidity leaving them with massive profits

It's good to insert some humour into a serious situation. I like it.
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I guess the general problem is that if Ukraine is taken easily and the West doesn't seem to do much, onward the tanks will roll until all the former USSR is back under Moscow's control. Could get messy.
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One of the few occasions that the UK, France and Germnay are aligned.
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Russia has an economy somewhere between Spain and Canada's in size, this is insane that we have reached this point. Germany must become a military power again after this if we're all still here.

Merkel closing down those nuclear power plants was a terrible decision.
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Looks like the sanctions/counter-sanctions will lead to higher fuel, energy and food prices in Europe and the UK.

If I was mr randy pan the conspiracy man I would say it's part of a larger agenda to change the way we live. Slow the consumption of resources by slowly phasing out holidays abroad, fossil fuel vehicles and food importing. If I was a betting man I would bet whatever happens next (i.e. high fuel prices) will be blamed on the Russians because people are usually more accepting of changes if the government blames someone/something else
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alexmr2 wrote:
Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:27 pm
I'm more concerned if Putin goes to Antarctica for backup as we know the Nazis retreated there in their UFOs to live in a base underneath the ice after WW2. If the rumours that Bill Gates managed to cryogenically freeze Hitler there are true then we are all in trouble. I'm 99% sure that the DNA gathered from all the PCR tests has been sent to Antarctica to turn the reborn Hitler into a super trader.

It's only a matter of time until Gates fires up his control panel and switches on 5G which will activate all the graphene nanobots from the vaccines across the world. Then billions of people could be mind controlled into depositing on Betfair and putting their stakes into the markets for Gates and Hitler to switch on their CBB (crossover backing bots) which will hoover up all the liquidity leaving them with massive profits
All that is more believable than being on the brink of nuclear war like some 'experts' on the news are saying
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Buy low/sell high. Reverse. Repeat.
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It's a very, very sad day for world peace Angel's. Very sad .....
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