Unable to connect to the remote server

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Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Posts: 4019
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:47 pm

Hi all,

Sorry for the problems. We would like to reassure you that we have multiple redundancy on all servers, so there should never be a time when you can't log on unless world war three breaks out or all servers fail at the same point, which would be just as unlikely.

Unfortunately we made a mistake when on the back up server and forgot to set a correct system date and that caused the problems this morning. Just good old fashioned human error I am afraid! We are really sorry that this occured. We have put a procedure in place to review it each month from here on in so that it can not occur again. The date had simply drifted over time.

The good thing is that as soon as somebody informed us we were able to correct it in minutes. I was out with the kids when somebody dropped me a text and that's all it needed to get everything back to normal. If it wasn't a bank holiday, we would have picked up on it quicker, sorry for that.

When logging in today you will notice a slightly longer log in, but that is normal when on the secondary server. We won't switch back to the primary until everybody is offline again.

Once again, apologies for the error, which has little chance of occurring again. Our desire is that any problem at our end should never stop you from trading and we will always make sure that is the case and our top priority.

Posts: 3716
Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:19 pm

Hey no problem..the system availability we have had over the last few years must be greater than 99.9% if not more..
There are some large UK institutions that pay a FORTUNE to maintain five x nine's uptime..

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