Getting Started - What is Trading ???

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Before reading this and subsequent threads it is important to understand the terminology used, all the terms and phrases you will need to know are listed in this section of the Bet Angel user guide, I would recommend making a note of these or printing them off for quick reference if your unsure about the meaning of any of the terms used in these threads ... 3D&mw=MzIw

With the introduction on betting exchanges like Betfair & Betdaq people now have the opportunity not just to back there choosen team or horse etc to win but also to lose, this is called laying.
But just like the original backing of a team or horse etc just laying is another form of straight gambling/punting.

In its simplest form trading is when you do both and place a back AND lay bet on the same selection, It does not matter if you back or lay first as long your second bet is the opposite of your first.
Back then Lay OR Lay then Back.

When trading the aim is to back at higher odds than you lay at and if you do this you will make profit no matter what the result.

If you lay at higher odds than you back you will have a loss (although this will only be a fraction of the stake used).

You can continually repeat this as many times as you want and on as many different selections as you want, on most sports you can continue doing this during in-play. When each event has ended any profit made is credited to your Betfair balance within a few minutes ready to use on the next market. Any losses are deducted from your balance as you go so you can never exceed more money than is in your account.

To begin any trade you must first place a bet this is referred to as a
"Opening bet" or "Open a position"

At some point you then have to exit this position, depending on the type of trading your doing this could be anything from a second later to several minutes or even hours and days - as long as you exit sometime before the event ends.

To exit your trade you have to place another bet on the opposite side to your opening bet
(If you opened with a Back you exit with a Lay - If you opened with a Lay you exit with a Back)

Bet angel offers a huge number of features and tools to help you to trade the markets more effectively. Click the link below to see an example.

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