Bet Angel performance reducing over time

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I have noticed over the last few days that my Bet angel's (1.49.1) performance is slowing down considerably towards the end of a T20. This manifests itself in several way. When clicking on the bets in the ladder to cancel the bet does not cancel instantaneously as it would when i just start trading the the game. Also at the end of a game if a bet is placed and Bet Angel is in the process of offsetting the whole thing freezes and after what seems roughly anything from 0.5 of a second to 3 seconds it then contines. The offsetting is completed but its impossible to tell when it was offset in that freeze period.

Just a bit of background info i enter bets into the market after every ball, some match and some don't the ones that do get offset, i have had on offset batches on as high as 100 before but in the last year i redcued that down to about 25. I did reduce the batches amount down because i use a lot of same settings for Test match cricket and was finding that over 5 days this caused a similar problem. I also run an Excel (Excel 2010) spreadsheet recording the prices action every second this produces a roughly 16000 lines of data and the files is roughly between 1.5 to 2 MB.

I did raise the issue with you some time ago and you pointed it out that this slowing was probably due to the bet data being pulled down and over the 5 days this becomes massive especially if (as i was) the batches setting was so high. So i lowered the batches and this solved the problem. At the time Betfair were using the old method of Bet Angel calling the prices rathe rthan the Exchange price streaming (only im not saying this is relevant but just giving you the info for you to make that judgement).

I have not changed anything knowing material on my computer all other programs don't seem to be suffering any slowdown, i did have the resource manager running at the end of the game yesterday when the problem was there and checked the CPU useage along with the Network useage all seemed fine.

I'm running Bet Angel on a refresh rate of 20 ms as i said this wasn't a problem before doing all of the above.
I do understand its going to be very hard for to tell me exactly what is causing it but i thought i would raise it with you incase somebody else is having the same problem also i wondered if you had and any technics that would help benchmarking it so we can see over time if there is any drop off and when could pinpoint exactly when it started.

Also do you have any steps i could implement that may well help going forward?

I have done some housing keeping of my machine and run some clean up scans, deleted some programs and shut down some services running in the background to see if this helps on todays game. But any help you could give would be much appreicated.

Machine details Windows 7, 16gb ram Intel i6 2600K CPU @ 3.40 ghz


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fwiw - i have noticed similar issues in the past and concluded that i'd be best restarting BA fresh each day (i run it on a VM and used to keep it running 24/7). it could be memory leakage via 3rd party DLL's that BA uses - i was never able to get to the bottom of it, but this was my fag packet diagnosis..
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It could be the amount of bets ,i do find that markets that have a lot of matched bets can cause a stutter.
This will be the case even after a restart of your computer.
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Jim's right. I think BA uses Infragistics components and they can be a bit leaky, or used to be years ago anyway. Just using lots of memory isn't typically a reason for something running slowly.

Also don't rule out excel being the problem, it's not great at memory management especially ignoring cells that were used but are now empty.
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thanks for your replies fellas as suggested i will work on reducing the "load" in as many area's as possible.
I was putting the feelers out to see if there was any benchmark software as well.

Cheers i will update on any findings i come across
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We've thoroughly checked Bet Angel for memory leaks and that aspect is fine. It will quite happily run for days on end without a restart.

For long term stability, we'd recommend not going to any third party web sites in the embedded web browser as that often triggers leaks (including some betfair pages).

A couple of things to look at, if you are matching thousands of bets in the market then it is most likely the Matched Bets display page that is slowing down. It's fine for normal usage, but struggles a bit with thousands of bets. The best solution for that is to tick 'Average Odds' on that page as that simplifies the display. There is nothing we can do to improve the calculation side of having thousands of matched bets, as every change will require new profits & liabilities to be calculated to get your current position, but generally it's the UI side that is most significant.

Another possibility is that your log page could be getting rather full..... every character will be using memory..... so occasional right-mouse click 'Select All' and 'Delete' will help with that.
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Thanks for the reply i tried the above
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Have you got any formulas that are doing calculations on your log sheet?

Don't forget that excel recalculates everytime a value changes. So if you have 100 rows of data it will recalculate 100 rows. Similarly,16,000 rows will be re recalculated each time.

If you have anything that can be converted into a value once the calculation has finished, that might help.
Also, some formulas are more resource hungry than others.
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Thanks im only running the price recording spreadsheet from the bet angel forum.
Its sounds like its a few things at the same time. But i have run the exact same set up for a fair time with any noticable problems.
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Just a quick update.
I did a mixture of all the things suggested.
1) In the Matched Bet tab selected Average Odds
2) Clearing the log - selecting all and deleting
3) I ran without Guardian active
4) I didn't use Excel to record the price action.

The outcome was improved performance but still well off optimum levels.

Thanks for all your help!
Trader Pat
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I'm noticing that when I start up BA its using about 90mb but after loading up Guardian and charts it steadily climbs, after an hour or so its using 300mb. After deleting markets, logs etc.. that figure still doesnt fall. Only thing that makes a difference is restarting BA. It doesnt seem to effect performance until much later in the day when things start to slow a little on the ladder interface.

In fairness I never paid any attention to this when using v1.49 so have nothing to compare it to but never got the perfomrance issue with v1.49.
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We ran some side by side comparisons between v1.49 and v1.50 for a few days and everything indicates the memory usage is the same. If you generally add the day's horse races to Guardian then the increased number of races on the card (with evening racing) has increased the total memory Bet Angel will use to store prices for charts, but it won't matter which version is used.

Using the restricted refresh option will save memory if you don't care about early market prices.

If you are streaming then it takes a few minutes for used memory to be freed having deleted the markets from Guardian due to the way the streaming subscriptions work, but we haven't seen the memory fail to release. Memory reclamation has a low priority in Windows, so if your PC is running constantly at a high CPU percentage, that could delay things.

At times when you feel it is affecting performance, have a look at Task Manager to see if either CPU or Memory percentage is 90% or above. We haven't seen any slowdown, but everyone's PC setup is different, so we're happy to test further if a few people confirm a similar usage pattern that causes issues.

As an extra note, 300MB usage is not a lot of memory for a busy application on a modern PCs, Chrome often wants 1GB with a few tabs open; unless the PC is really starved of RAM, Bet Angel should be able to use 1GB without any noticeable slowdown.
Trader Pat
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Will do, I've actually done a bit of a PC clean up this morning so will be interesting to see if that makes any difference.
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I have got this problem , it seems to be a GPU issue in desktop manager.
I closed guardian down and it reduced the gpu usage,
after that i restarted BA but the problem returned even after closing guardian.
Nothing else was open on my computer, although it could just be crap on my computer from throughout the day. I’m not really sure how it all works.
Everything is fine after a restart.
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