I work for a a gaming company and i feel bad about it

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I am currently working for a gaming company as a developer (or what people would usually call computer programmer). In my current role i am on the front end side, managing the user interface, in my previous role i was involved in building the software used by bookmakers to manage players.

The only reason i work here is because of money. They pay around 20-30% above market rate with good perks ( salary after tax, free lunch, travel allowance, medical benefit, long service bonus etc etc)

But i often feel bad about my job. I've lost friends and relatives to gambling addiction. And i know there are far too many people who succumb to gambling addiction.

I dont have a sense of achievement or fulfillment. I even lied to my family about my job, i told them i work in an insurance company.

I tried applying for other companies, which there are some who i tried applying to and return me offers, there are a few interesting ones. I manage to get an offer from a company building inventory management software and another is a renewable energy startup. But neither of them can match the money i am earning now. They all pay at least 20% lesser.

Quite simply if i switch i would have to downgrade my lifestyle. Eat out less, rent a smaller studio etc etc. and its going to be hard to swallow.

What would you do if you were me?
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If it bothers you that much then quit.

I wouldn't though. Its a bit like running a pub and feeling bad about every person with a drink problem you've ever known. All you can do is live your own life, not somebody else's.
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Spare a thought for the people working at the tobacco kiosk, spending all day dishing out lung cancer!

The bottom line is that for every alcoholic or gambling addict there maybe 20+ people who enjoy it as a pass time or make a living from it. People who get addicted, whilst deserving sympathy, are ultimately responsible.
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Everyone involved in this industry has to deal with the stigma of it, lying about it can only get you so far surely.

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Build a program that will bring you the cash in. Plenty of opportunities out there if you put your mind too it automate it "set forget collect"
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cyxstudio wrote:
Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:38 pm
But i often feel bad about my job.
I share that experience. I spent 20+yrs making rich people even richer and making 100s of staff obsolete along the way. It never sat comfortably. I was consoled by the fact that if it wasn't me then it would be someone else, and because the wages were great I could do charitable things that others might not do in the same position.
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footysystems wrote:
Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:08 pm
Build a program that will bring you the cash in. Plenty of opportunities out there if you put your mind too it automate it "set forget collect"

If you're worried about the negative aspects of gambling I'd highly recommend thinking about spreadbetting the financials and combining your knowledge of programming and betting with ProRealTime automated trading.
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Are you a Notfair employee.
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If the gambling review goes badly you might soon be developing software that stops people from betting any more than £10 a month anyway. So I guess that would help from a moral standpoint.

Though if that does happen, I doubt the 20-30% above market rate salary plus perks will still be available either.
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Don't let it bother you.....you're doing nothing illegal, it's a respectable job
People with gambling issues is for them to deal with, not you

Why are you even here on Bet Angel, if you feel that way?
How do you think we make money here?.....we trade markets and make money from those who are punting, or rubbish traders. We are all making money from problem gamblers here

Would you stop working in a pub because they are alcoholics?
Would you stop working in a bakery because there are people killing themselves with obesity?

Don't let anyone make you feel bad for earning a decent, honest living
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ShaunWhite wrote:
Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:37 pm
I share that experience. I spent 20+yrs making rich people even richer and making 100s of staff obsolete along the way. It never sat comfortably.
You don't think capitalism works?

Obsolete jobs are a good thing. The more of them the better....if we can make them all obsolete... we'd be doing pretty darn well...

It's the gov's job to fix the grey areas, not an individual's...right? :) You'd be subverting the system otherwise...

I would say, how bad you orta feel, is probably directly proportional to how well you believe capitalism is a force for good...you are after all, relying on the system...

Same with being involved in the entertainment industry (gambling). In aggregate, is it a force for good or evil? and does your participation entail honesty and integrity?

IMO, The marketers and advertisers are the ones I would suggest may need a new job....the operations/logistics guys, no...but they should probably raise the issue at meetings :)
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If it's affecting your personal life, you should quit... That's the only way out. Hope you're feeling better.
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suck it up, enjoy your earnings, who cares if you enjoy your job or not, it pays well!!!
your not in a job to have a social conscience, your in a job to make money.
95% of people hate their job, your getting rewarded well for it.
If it bothers you that much then quit and get some other mundane job you will hate even more because it pays less.
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Take the pay cut. It's only 20% less and you will feel less bad about your job and won't have to lie about it
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oliver.williams wrote:
Tue Apr 19, 2022 5:40 pm
If it's affecting your personal life, you should quit... That's the only way out. Hope you're feeling better.
Are you even a real person oliver.williams?

You've now dug up 7 old threads in 7 posts, this pattern was apparent after 2-3 posts
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