Aussie response times

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Nero Tulip
Posts: 688
Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:29 pm

Is there a way this can be improved ? I've have lots of bets on this Henin match and it seems the more bets I have the slower it becomes. I'ts taking the 5 second delay then a further 5 seconds for my bets to appear! In order to cancel bets quickly I'm having to have the website open which wierdly shows them up instantly, unlike BA. Can I change connection mode or anything ? The response readings along the bottom are currently 781 and 5218.
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
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Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:47 pm

Which ever way you look at it responses will always be slower as Betfair deliberately route traffic to their server in Tasmania which really slows things down.

Connection mode one is quickest though, but you will lose some API features, but that is why it is fastest.
Posts: 3716
Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:19 pm

I have the same problem too...
Was wondering whether there was a VPS offering whereby the VPS server is resident in Aus..??
For people like Nero and myself where we're not bothered about the latency between here and the VPS (as it's automated,,ie set in the morning, then forget about it..)..this would be this possible?
If anyone from the UK is doing this,any advice on which company you are using would be welcome...
I will also be looking to do something in the US if/when the gambling ban is lifed..soon I hope
Nero Tulip
Posts: 688
Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:29 pm

Actually I am not automated in tennis trading. Yet. I'm a big manual tennis trader, but the connection issues make this much trickier than normal. It's like having a delay on the delay, which is also delayed behind the pictures. :mrgreen:
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