How do I transfer all my settings to a new PC?

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Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:39 pm
Location: Bet Angel HQ

If you have a second PC or new PC you can transfer screen layout and profile settings by following these instructions: -

You may have to unhide system files by using the view menu in explorer. But the files are held under: -

C:/Users/Your user name/AppData/Roaming/Bet Angel/

Copy the files held in this location and paste them to your new machine to replicate all your settings on that machine.
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Posts: 3733
Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:42 pm
Location: Narnia


Thanks for the little FAQ on the above. However, there is a small correction required as the folder is actually *Bet Angel*, rather than the quoted *BetAngel*.

Also, there is a little shortcut you can use on any login, if you don't want to traverse the folder structure. Just open Explorer and type:

%AppData%\Bet Angel\

this will take you to the correct folder (*Bet Angel Professional* is the next level folder and the one that you are interested in) for the currently logged in user profile .


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