Data charges

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Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:37 pm

It is the third day ,that Betfair charged me for data .
My setting are 250 ms and in rules is no more than 20 reqest per sec. Nothing else was opened - I used Guardian only .
Can you explain me what happened ?
If you need my username I can send you .
After first time I exactly checked settings -everything was OK ,but it happened again and again .
Have you changed something in Guardian ?
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I would advise setting it to 19.

I assume you didn't have the BF web page open?
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I had a similar issue when I first started and now set my limiter to 17, even with a browser open I have not received a charge since. It's worth emailing BDP about it if you feel the charge is incorrect as they do provide you with details on request, and did refund one of the three charges for me after I disputed it.
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I have the same problem and contacted support who emailed me the following
It is possible that if you had Bet Angel open earlier in the day that it did not close properly and carried on retrieving data from Betfair. Then when you opened Bet Angel again it added to the data calls already being made.

An application not closing properly is a random quirk of Microsoft Windows. We are looking at ways of checking for existing instances running in the background but in the meantime, I would recommend restarting your computer after using Bet Angel.

Also, check that your system is up to date with Microsoft Windows update.
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Received the answer from Betfair :

Thanks for your email.

Please see below for a profile of your data usage for 18th October. You’ll see from the profile that your data requests are consistently above the 20 per second mark.

You should ensure that your throttle is indeed set to the 20 requests per second or below.

Average :19,31
Max hits per s : 25
Time :19:22:37

We recommend that you contact your Software Vendor directly if you require any information or clarification on how to limit your requests using the functionality available in the software.

Kind regards,


BDP Support "

Thats Betfair -I think the fault is in Betangel ,as I see settings which are available they not guarantee that you will bee nor charched .
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So now I wait opinion from Betangel
guys .
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
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Please contact support who will be able to help you.

We don't have any problems with the data usage side of Bet Angel and never have had, so there must be another reason why you are getting these charges. If you are running two copies, or Bet Angel and Soccer Mystic or either and or ours some other application, including the Betfair website that could cause the issue.

We modifed the most recent version of Bet Angel so it will warn you if you have two version of the software running on the same machine, that should help people avoid that specific issue.
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Part of my routine each morning ...
Right mouse click on the bottom task bar...Open Task Manager and click on processes and check that you do not have more than one instance of Betangel open..
This has only happened to me once..but the charges were massive...thankfully Neil in BDP cancelled the charge..
A couple of days ago I had EXACTlY the same problem with one of my accounts...the desktop was clear..and no programs minimised..but there was an image running...I rebooted the server before starting Betangel up again...problem solved
Hope that saves someone a couple of quid...and a panic attack!

Posts: 22
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Peter I know all that stuff.
I always checked what I opened ,even didn't double click on BetAngel icon .
After second time I even restart computer .
Till now I think the problem is in Betangel -because the charges came when Guardian was working with connection with Excel .
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Well, I usually have 20 markets loaded into Guardian. All 20 markets are connected through an excel multiples sheet, yet I have no problems with data usage at all
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I also load up the entire card into Guardian each day - which today is 31 - and have never incurred this charge.

From what I can gather from these threads it is likely you are hammering either the web site at the same time or somehow have another API application running.

From Betfair:
Market and private data requests made through the website are weighted 2.
This means Betfair consider a data request via the website as 2 calls instead of one. And for this reason I have set my data request limiter to 15 calls/second.

I'm not saying this is the cause in your case but it's worth considering.
Bet Angel
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Bet Angel
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To give you some background, we deliberately split up the user interface and data manager to stop you exceeding your call allowance if you have the right settings.

You can load a billion markets into Guardian and it will make no difference. Both Guardian and Bet Angel use the same data manager, so if they call at more than your limit the data manager stops that call going to Betfair. We actually implemented call usage well before other vendors as Betfair told us well in advance that they were planning to go down this route. As we all use the same software in the office each day we would also encounter exactly the same issues if they occurred, so that also seems to confirm that there is some other issue here.

Non API calls are weighted more heavily than API calls but the data manager even takes that into account for you. But if you are using the website or other tools that could be causing a problem.

One of the core issues here is that Betfair do not let you check what you current usage or costs are. We have lobbied Betfair to address this but it seems few others are. As the people raising the charge, Betfair surely must have responsibility for introducing a way for people to see if they are likely to be liable for that charge. We indicate on the software what the current usage rate is from one specific application, but it really seriously needs Betfair to do the same at their end in our opinion. If they did that people would always know where they stand and this confusion wouldn't occur.
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