Australian Crime Commission report drugs and organised crime

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I cannot believe how many people in Australia believed in a naive manner that performance enhancing drugs were not widely in use in Australia.

It's sad and generally impossible to know who is and who is not clean.

I'd be devasted if some of sports people I admire are dirty. On the other hand I stopped having them as heroes about 20 years ago in my early 20s. I started to see a different side to some of these people as I met some of them (through having some small sucess in my own life - it's sad to say but I can buy my way in). They are just like you and me except they are an outlier for some physical attribute. Neither a big IQ nor a physical attribute in any way guarantees a nice person. Some are nice of course.
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Here's a prediction that will go on the Bet Angel forum forever. And I wish I could bet on it.

This Government-backed investigation will reveal a percentage of Australian professional sports people taking illegal substances that is no higher than the number of people taking illegal substances in the legal industry, the finance industry, and the political industry.
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I can tell you now about some whose success has greatly out performed their skill level.

- Manchester United, football team
- Spain, international football team
- Rafael Nadal, Spanish tennis player

I for one would be very surprised if these were NOT on performance enhancing drugs of some sort.
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you might be wise to edit the above post - if you have evidence fine, if not you could get yourself a whole lotta grief. :o
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poipoi wrote:
This Government-backed investigation will reveal a percentage of Australian professional sports people taking illegal substances that is no higher than the number of people taking illegal substances in the legal industry, the finance industry, and the political industry.
Recreational drugs no doubt. However, I must be the squarest person in those industries because have never seen it or even heard another person talk about it.

Performance enhancing drugs. Seems likely that the percentage would be higher. But then, you might point out to me that might be no higher than the rate of white collar crime in the professions generally. See current ICAC NSW inquiry.
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Dont forget these athletes and sportsmen and women can now "lay" themselves for a tidy earn for that penthouse or beachfront. Perhaps a sleeping tablet or two couple days before an event ....
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If you have visited a bodybuilding supplement store you realise that the line between cheating and not cheating is very blurry. There are some very accessible performance enhances that are legal, which will give you an edge. The point is that every athlete is using performance enhancing supplements to get the edge , unfortunately the edge that they had 6months ago no longer exists due to another product on the market. At the end of the day performance enhancing drugs/ supplimeng industry is just a game of cat an mouse, but in this case the mouse always wins, the mouse is a chamelian, often invisible to the naked eye and far to quick to evolve before being seen.

I think we should just accept that they use performance enhancing drugs and just aknowledge that they are amazing athletes.
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burdo77 wrote:
I think we should just accept that they use performance enhancing drugs and just aknowledge that they are amazing athletes.
One of my friends was an elite athlete - 100 m runner. Even in retirement he always wanted to see if become open slather. We thought about promoting the world drug games. We wanted someone to break 9.5 (back in the 1990s).
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